Reevaluating Alzheimer’s Research: Beyond Amyloid Plaque with Binary Star

Was a problem, is a problem, …, would not be a PROBLEM.
Another antibody lecanemab-irmb (by Eisai and Biogen), following donanemab (by Eli Lilly), and gantenerumab (by Roche).
These antibodies have potential to clear amyloid beta (Aβ) plaque.

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P.S. This being said, the Official Position of Binary Star is that Alzheimer\’s is not a disease driven by amyloid, but rather amyloid build-up and aggregation is a symptom of a deeper underlying cause.

Looking for partners to work with us on early stage mechanism validation. Hundreds of billions have been spent on the Amyloid Hypothesis, it\’s time to spend a bit on something else

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