Overcoming Undruggable Targets: Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery

#Targeting Undruggable Targets
Thousand or fewer proteins have been claimed as potentially therapeutic, despite the fact that the human genome can encode more than 20,000 different proteins. Undruggable targets have the following specified characteristics: extended and shallow binding pockets or even no pocket, and lack of specific ligands that perform critical effects, In contrast to the goal of inhibition, drugs must restore protein activity, which is more complicated.
The leading process of drug discovery is targeting undruggable targets. novel pharmaceutical entities, such as bifunctional compounds, covalent drugs, peptide-based drugs, protein-based drugs, and RNA therapeutics, have been designed to overcome undruggable barriers.
In BinaryStar we perform merging computer-aided drug design multiple approaches such as DNA-encoded libraries, Nucleic Acid-Base Drug Design, Targeting DNA/RNA, Fragment-Based Virtual Screening, Allosteric Site exploring, and all drug discovery techniques to dealing with more ‘undruggable’ targets in the future.


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